The Washington Post published an article on the cocaine investigation that appeared in the Anne Arundel Section of the Washington Post on February 2, 2006. The reporter, Daniel de Vise, is interested in interviewing anyone involved in this incident for future articles, especially the people who were asked to leave the college or had the awardance of their degrees suspended. Anyone who wishes to speak to the reporter can call the Annapolis office of the Washington Post at 410-263-8040 or Daniel de Vise's desk at 410-626-2807. His e-mail address is If anyone has the name or contact information of anyone dismissed from the college, let him know; he wants to interview people to hear their version of events. His article is not available on this site for copyright reasons. However, you can link to it several places on this site, including here. The link is
It is one thing (a very good thing) to go over the heads of the administration by taking a matter directly to the students, faculty, staff and alumni in a non-censored forum.
It is quite another matter to take it to outsiders. There is nothing useful that can come of airing our laundry for the readers of the Washington Post.