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 Tutors: Tenure and Reappointment Decisions
 Tobin--what the **** happened?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
montaigne Posted - 2006 June 24 : 20:33:54
Everyone I talked to was both saddened and in shock that Ms. Tobin was not reappointed for another three years. At the Reality skit, her appearance, and rather appropriate words, sparked an overwhelming standing ovation of virtually everyone in the auditorium. Something tells me that, as a student body, we knew and still know that her dismissal was wrong, but why didn't we do anything about it?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roberta_c Posted - 2007 December 01 : 02:32:36
What could have been done? In the history of St. John's, has there ever been a termination decision that was reversed?

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