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T O P I C    R E V I E W
sophosanthropos Posted - 2006 April 25 : 17:38:06
Everyone who got kicked out of st johns should just get an effing life. just quit your job at starbucks and transfer to evergreen state college. seriously. its great up here. they'll take anyone. they are the asu of the washington state
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Frederick Douglass Posted - 2006 May 05 : 17:57:35
It is much easier to walk away from problems than to make a serious effort to solve those problems. If there were a million schools with great books programs, then it would not be so crucial to fix the failures of St. John’s. I have heard that a fair number of people who leave or get kicked out of St. John’s end up at Evergreen State College. Perhaps that is the best option for sophosanthropos, but many people want to see a great books college that works. If St. John’s fails, it is not only a college that fails, but a whole ideology.

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