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 iTunes 5 user limit fix!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ejeinowski Posted - 2006 February 08 : 18:51:56
We've all experienced the problem. When you want to listen to your music on a friends computer, it tells you that "(shared music name) has a 5 user a day limit." This really sucks at parties.

Alot of people just lock up their iTunes shared music with a password, but this only partially solved the problem. I gave that password out to friends and soon the same problem came up.

I've found a solution (if your using a Mac). This program acts like it an iTunes share. It reads your itunes library and puts it on the network in away which appears to every other iTunes as if its a normal iTunes share. It has no password and no user limit. Whats even better is that it stays on all the time. It just runs in the background, there's no need to keep either iTunes or the program open.

The programs called Daappelganger and here is the website:

PS, its also ridiculously easy to use.

- E Einowski
Editor In Chief
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