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 Students: Patrick Deuley
 Tuition Refund

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tumnus Posted - 2006 April 11 : 03:39:37
Patrick Deuley paid his freshman year tuition with a check from his own bank account. During the winter break between his first and second semesters, Patrick decided to withdraw from the college. The college was only willing to refund his second semester tuition to his father. Patrick Deuley’s circumstances made it impossible for him to accept this. Despite Patrick’s attempts to persuade the college to refund the money directly to him, the college administration refused to refund his money to anyone other than his father. After Patrick’s name was mentioned on St. John’s Forum, the college sent Patrick a refund check made out to his mother and him. This check was accompanied by what Patrick describes as a strange letter telling Patrick and his mother that they could sort out the money among themselves.

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