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 Homecoming and the College of Santa Fe

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
The Great Pumpkin Posted - 2006 August 29 : 14:31:16
The relationship between St. John’s College and the College of Santa Fe should be improved. Both are small colleges with quirky programs of study, yet there is little contact between them. The College of Santa Fe clearly makes an effort to reach out to St. John’s; every year the College of Santa Fe invites St. John’s students to their music festivals. Yet when St. John’s students attempted to reciprocate, the St. John’s administration seemed intent to destroy everyone’s good time.

Two years ago when the St. John’s administration canceled the annual Seducers and Corrupters party, it was replaced with Homecoming (not to be confused with St. John’s College’s annual alumni party of the same name). This party, a parody of the Homecoming celebrations common at many colleges, began with a Homecoming parade followed by a flag football game between St. John’s College and the College of Santa Fe. Most St. John’s and College of Santa Fe students got along well, and St. John’s students graciously invited the College of Santa Fe students to the Homecoming dance that night. The administration had other ideas, however. St. John’s security barred the College of Santa Fe students from attending the party and escorted those who attended anyway off campus. It is true that a couple of College of Santa Fe students acted inappropriately. This does not excuse the administration’s policy of banning all the College of Santa Fe students from the party.

Last year the administration changed Homecoming from an intercollegiate to an intramural event. This not only ruined an opportunity for students from the two campuses to meet and friendships to develop but nipped in the bud what might have become an annual tradition of friendly competition between local colleges in the vein of Annapolis’s annual croquet match. This year’s Homecoming party is coming soon, and I hope that the new dean will allow the College of Santa Fe to participate fully in what could become an opportunity for friendship between the two campuses.

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