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 Relationship Between Annapolis and Santa Fe
 Zachary Watson's Letter to the College Community

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moderator Posted - 2006 August 16 : 17:08:36
“St. John’s is a single college with two campuses, one in Annapolis, Maryland, and another in Santa Fe, New Mexico”
-St. John’s College website

In the past the trips out to Annapolis have not been sponsored by the college. This year it was different. Both the campuses came together to make the trip easy and affordable for a large group of students. Lodging, meals and transportation to and from the airports were provided by the campuses, and air fare was subsidized by Mark St. John in the student activities office.
Aside from our option to transfer there is very little student interaction between the campuses. We share a unique approach to education with the Annapolis campus. Without organized school endorsed intercampus events, we are missing an extraordinary opportunity to grow what could be a very beneficial relationship. Mr. St. John saw this and gave more students the opportunity to not only see the other campus for the first time but begin building an intercampus relationship.
We are one college with two campuses and need to continue bringing the campuses closer together.

Zachary Watson

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