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 Security and Administration: Roxanne Seagraves
 Reason for Firing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tumnus Posted - 2006 January 29 : 16:11:22
I do not know why St. John's was unhappy with Roxanne Seagraves' work. The college has said nothing more about her other than that it was a mutual decision. It appears that St. John's wanted to fire her for quite some time, but the college waited for an opportunity to fire her for wrongdoing. A number of Santa Fe students flew to Annapolis for croquet week-end. Jason Scott, a senior in Santa Fe flying to Annapolis for the week-end, checked out the college van for this purpose. He drove the van to the airport; he asked Roxanne Seagraves to drive the van back. As the van was registered only to Jason Scott, Roxanne Seagraves was fired on the grounds that she drove the college van without permission.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roberta_c Posted - 2007 November 30 : 19:54:35
As an alumna, I can say that Roxanne Seagraves was the best alumni director I have ever dealt with at the SF campus. I can't imagine why anyone would want to fire her--she was so intelligent, helpful, resourceful, and cheerful.

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