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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vaguely Annoyed Posted - 2007 April 10 : 15:41:53
Yeah, so I don't know who exactly went through and mechanically added links to every single blog on or, but it's probably worth noting that several of them are by non-Johnnies, and several more of them are by people that don't even exist.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vaguely Annoyed Posted - 2007 April 10 : 17:25:15
Yeah, there's a number of people like that on there. People that have nothing to do with the college, defunct blogs of people who once dated Johnnies, Katherine's fictional blogs... it's like someone extremely stupid but extremely persistent spent a few days crawling through every potentially St. John's related blog they could find. (And of course, there are also blogs of people who'd just as soon not be listed, or who'd just as soon not have their real names linked to their blogs. Not that there's a law about it or anything, but but it seems discourteous.)

There's some continuing discussion on my blog, including comments by people who don't want to register here:
funnel101 Posted - 2007 April 10 : 16:33:11
And, also, Rob Harrison isn't an alum of St. John's College... He's just lucky enough to be *married* to one (namely, me).

I think there might need to be stricter criteria for linking from this site.

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