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 Office of Postsecondary Education Statistics

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tumnus Posted - 2007 January 15 : 09:18:14
The Office of Postsecondary Education in the Department of Education lists alleged criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities and/or local police agencies on its website, The Department of Education warns, “The crime data reported by the institutions have not been subjected to independent verification by the U.S. Department of Education. Therefore, the Department cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data reported here.”



Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 5 (4 in residence halls)
Arson 1(1 in residence halls)

Disciplinary actions/judicial referrals on campus
Drug abuse violations 1
Liquor law violations 10


Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 9 (1 in residence halls)

Disciplinary actions/judicial referrals on campus
Drug abuse violations 7
Liquor law violations 13


Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 5 (4 in residence halls)

Disciplinary actions/judicial referrals on campus
Drug abuse violations 1 (inconsistent with the public acknowledgment of St. John’s College that 8 students were expelled, 2 students withdrew, and 3 seniors had the awarding of their degrees delayed for a year after a drug investigation)
Liquor law violations 5

Santa Fe


Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 16 (0 in residence halls)
Forcible sex offenses 1 (0 in residence halls)

Arrests on Campus
Drug law violations 1 (1 in residence halls)
Liquor law violations 3

Disciplinary Actions/Judicial Referrals on Campus
Liquor law violations 3


Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 2 (2 in residence halls)
Forcible sex offenses 1 (1 in residence halls)

Arrests on campus
Drug law violations 1
Liquor law violations 1

Noncampus arrests
Drug law violations 1


Criminal offenses on campus

Burglary 3 (0 in residence halls)
Forcible sex offenses 1 (0 in residence halls)

Disciplinary actions/judicial referrals on campus
Illegal weapons possession 1
Drug law violations 2
Liquor law violations 1

Noncampus arrests
Liquor law violations 1

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